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aastha madhur


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About the Author

Storyteller at heart

 I have loved books since I learned how to read. Starting with fairy tales and comics, I have read my way through Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Jane Austen, LOTR, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Erich Segal, Nicholas Sparks and countless classics, everyday novels, and the occasional non-fiction.  


Retelling stories comes naturally to me. I love to regale both the willing audience and the reluctant listener :) recounting the plots of all my favourite stories.


Writing, however, was something else. From the moment I first put pen to paper, with the idea of writing a story of my own, constant doubts impeded my way. I would always compare what I wrote with the great books I have read. But eventually, rather than second-guessing myself, I focussed on completing my unfinished writings- one story at a time. The result is my debut novel. I have made my best effort to write something that while may not be flawless, is sincere, enjoyable, and my own. I intend to continue doing this- in honour of the unquenchable thirst for the next book to read. 

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The Time We Have

January 1, 2019

Some people spend a lifetime searching for a soul mate. Neighbours Matt and Lea just had to cross the street.

To Lea, Matt was like a sudden gust of winter wind – unexpected and exhilarating.

To Matt, Lea was a prayer answered.

Seeing her upset on Christmas Eve, Matt reached out to Lea - it was an impulsive gesture of kindness. He did not know that he would fall hopelessly, irrevocably in love with her.

But a bend in their road to happiness came as unexpectedly. When sudden illness claims his father’s life, a grieving Matt initially found his strength in Lea. Then one day, without explanation, he ended the relationship.

As Matt’s decision tests everything he believes about love and redemption, Lea’s search for answers leads her to a terrible secret, long buried.

Can their love survive a haunting secret from the past?

Or do some secrets cast too long a shadow to forget?

Check out my debut novel. Out now in your favourite Crossword Store. Paperback and Ebook also available from sale on Amazon, Flipkart and Crossword Online.

Contact me for more information about my full writing collection.

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Following are my initial articles and reviews of all things entertaining -   my collection of miscellaneous writing. I hope you The Reader will find something to smile, laugh about or just derive a simple pleasure of reading :) All of my other works are on medium and on my blog.

TV Articles

February 14, 2019

The more I watched Brooklyn Nine Nine, the more I fell in love with Jake Peralta . I spoke about the show and Andy Samberg so much that I had to put my fingers to the keyboard and do something about it. Check out my 8 point article about Jake on buzzfeed here.


As even that was not enough, I wrote another detailed analysis of the show. Its a fun and breezy read and if you haven't watched the show yet, maybe it will convince you to :) Recently published by Entropy, check out the article here

April 8, 2018

This is one of my first complete and focussed written pieces. A review of a Bollywood movie. A film I found was unintentionally funny and alternately ridiculous. I wrote this review because I couldn't find a written review of this movie anywhere else and I had to get the jokes out of my head ! Check it out on buzzfeed here .


More recently I wrote a review of a Hollywood movie, 'The holiday' which I love to watch on any given day. Live now on flickside, check out the review here.

June 20, 2014

This is one of my oldest writings -  Just easy, laid back rambling. Read it  here  

June 19, 2014

This was my first attempt at starting a blog. Needless to say it began with Charles Dickens ! Its preliminary writing so it has its flaws, but if you have ever been scared to try the classics, I suggest you give these notes a read. Check out this post here

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It is what you read when you don't have to, that determines what you will be when you can't help it

Oscar Wilde

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